Super Breakout – Whats Going On?

Whilst decorating the offices at UCHG HQ I discovered the original manual for our copy of Super Breakout on the ATARI 2600.

super breakout 001

Instantly recognising this an opportunity to avoid any more wallpapering I quickly started reading it!

Now I used to believe that in Super Breakout you were a paddle and your goal was to simply bounce a ball at some bricks until they had all disappeared…

I was wrong!

According to the manuals introduction you are actually in a one-man space shuttle travelling through the heavens at the speed of light. Suddenly, without warning i may add, you are facing a force field of bright colours that you must choose to blast your way through or turn back!

This all sounds like good fun until you read the General Description / Game Objective.

super breakout 003

The aim of the game is to keep the ball in play and knock out bricks to score points? What happened to my space shuttle? and where has the force field gone?

It seems I was right all along and the manual has just been lying to us all!

To make matters worse the cover of the manual has a picture of an astronaut, armed with a ruler, bravely beating his way through the mysterious force field of almost blinding colours!

super breakout 002

What Balls! Does that make me the space shuttle firing a brave astronaught, and his measuring stick of destruction,  into the force field?

Or am I the astronaut smacking a ball into the force field after parking my space shuttle off screen?

Is it even a ball? and why am I in space on my own with just a ruler?

I think the idea here is to use your imagination as the graphics will give you no clues. But no matter what you make of it it will always be some sick ass retro space based shenanigans!

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