The Great Game Count

It’s the moment you have all been waiting for! How many games does the UCHG currently own?

So in the words of the great Count Dracula (from Sesame Street)

I Love To Count!

170 games makes up a fantastic array of retro gaming goodness that spans from Atari to PS2 and almost everything in between.

What will come next? what will we play next? and where the hell are we going to keep it all?

All we know for certain is…

We are just getting warmed up!

The Man They Call Moggy

Every pupil has a teacher and mine was Moggy.

Moggy is a retro gaming master of biblical proportions. It is said that he can complete a Super Nintendo game by simply holding it against his head and concentrating, and I’ve seen him do it.

Moggy introduced me to such greats as Pop ‘n Twinbee, Paper Mario and shared my love for the Sega Dreamcast.

So when he text me and asked if I wanted to buy some of his games I could not say no.

Mog mega games

and this is what I got! 9 immaculate Megadrive games, the mighty Hidden & Dangerous for the Dreamcast and of course a working copy of Aladdin!

So there they are. What is now known as the Moggy dozen minus one!

We now have so many games we have lost count… so stay tuned to find out our new double super mega awesome total!

A Champion walks among us

Today rather interesting news landed at UCHG HQ.

One of our fans (of which there are many) contacted us about his Heart Attack score on OutRun for his PS3.

“That’s nice” was our initial response.

Then we looked again…. and stared in disbelief!

Not only does Blacktail_4, or Lee as he is known to his friends, have both a high and indeed “nice” score. It is ranked a mighty 4th in the world! and here is the proof.

outrun high score

Now that’s impressive! So impressive it forced the muscles in Ross’s face to form a smirk of respect.

Lee. We at the UCHG salute you and wish you every success in your efforts to remove seizure_ from pole position! If Jenson Button can be on top…  so can you!

*all scores are correct  at time of print.

ATARI Jaguar! – “Do the Math”

First off just look at the box

Jag box

How cool is that!!!!

It is possibly the coolest box in gaming history. A perfect example of grade A nerd porn!

The contents happily live up to the expectations given by the ultra cool box….

Ladies and gentile men I give you

The ATARI Jaguar

Jag and games

The Jaguar was the first 64-bit gaming system and sadly the last from Atari. Never in a million years did I ever think that I would own one of these. Let alone one with Doom, Cybermorph and Tempest! The blood has only just started to return to my head!

The Jaguar is a true cult classic and takes pride of place in our collection. Even if the controller does look like an 80’s car phone.

Have you played Atari today?

I certainly have!!!

What’s in the box? – Lets find out!

Hello everybody!

Now that the pirates have been thoroughly Menaced I thought I should do the decent thing and return to base.

Now that I’m back its time to put you all out of your misery and open my box!

What will be inside? My Thai bride? Fighting ferrets? Enough cocaine to make Scarface look like a teenage weed dealer?

Let the opening commence!

So there it is !


and that means we have a winner! After sifting through the countless emails and comments

Mr Jenkinson

was the closest and will be receiving a signed copy of Athlete Kings for the Sega Saturn! You lucky lucky boy!

Congratulations to him and commiserations to everyone else. The prize is as they say “In the Post”.