Where, where, where, where’s Ross?

Well we’ve been searching for Ross all over these past few days; turned over every stone, looked in every internet cafe with Warcraft (or is it Runescape now?), but to no avail.

Then what do we see on TV, but this:

Ross - in a TV advert!

Some say it’s a promotional stunt for T-Mobile, but we tend to think it’s the start of Ross’s world domination plans.

Life’s for Filesharing.

CS Fun – redux

Well however much we loved CS Source, it was always all about CS 1.6. Yes it looks so rubbish now, but what a game it was!

You are about to witness a little piece of history – this vid was our very first, without which there would be no UCHG: and we shudder to think how long ago this was…

Prepare yourselves for a strange look into the past, in a time before work, decent graphics and beards

Memories of CS

Everybody remember Counter Strike?

We certainly do, and it’s probably what got us started on making stupid videos. The latest (and last?) version ‘CS Source‘ swallowed up a significant part of our lives, especially when we probably should have been studying.

But how could it have not? Shooting terrorists has always been fun, and it featured Brad himself, complete with Motorola mobile, as well as lots and lots of hostages to assassinate.

Here are a just a few screen shots to help explain our deep seated love for this game, and if you are really lucky we might just release a video containing some serious CS 1.6 action!



Xbox Breakout!

We’ve got the builders in at UCHG HQ and while working on the roof they have unearthed our terrible secret.

At around 3am GMT this morning, what we thought had already been destroyed came crashing through the ceiling.

Xbox Hole

It was our illegitimate Xbox making a break for freedom.

Luckily it did not survive the fall and got stuck in the floor.

Xbox in floor

God knows what would have happened had it made it through.