Obtaining the Genesis Titan

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As you may have read previously when I reviewed this game, I love Reus. It has taken many hours of my life from me and I don’t hate it at all for doing this.

I didn’t ever think that completing this game would be achievable – hell I didn’t even think it was doable, thought I would play it briefly and move on to the next new thing that came along, but something about the game kept bringing me back.

The ease of play, the satisfaction of balancing multiple towns wanting to cut each other’s throats, the cute graphics – I don’t know what it was but from time to time I would drift back and complete some more. Suddenly it seemed like this mess-around sandbox game could actually have an ending.

The achievement Genesis Titan.


Sounds easier than it actually is, and has taken me a long time and some very specific planet building to get the outcome. Manipulating towns into my last 2 projects – an Opera and a Castle required a lot of destruction. The very fact that the game allows, doesn’t punish and remains neutral to this fact is great. It allows you to create the world as you see fit. Good and bad.

I still highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys strategy games, it may seem a little slow paced but it is oh-so-addictive.

Unfortunately the achievement doesn’t actually unlock anything (sounds like it should somehow create a 5th, super Titan).

The result is my rarest achievement on Steam – only 0.33% of players playing Reus have got this – don’t blame them, it takes a long fucking time!


So should the world ever need someone to control 4 large giants and build a couple of cities that live harmoniously, I’ve got it covered.

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