Time for Pi

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The Raspberry Pi – now in the grubby mits of the UCHG.

But what to do with it?

For those not in the know, the Raspberry Pi is a teeny tiny but fully fledged computer – complete with full HD output, and powered by a smartphone style processor. Originally created to encourage kids to get into computer programming, they have been embraced as equally by the modding (=nerdy) community.

The Pi

We are obviously among the latter. But now comes a decision – what should be done with Pi? We can’t eat it – therefore, can we play games on it? Or should we watch South Park on it?

Should it become the bastard child of the fullsize arcade machine? We do have plenty of spare buttons… Perhaps it is time for an arcade coffee table? Or would this result in homelessness from our significant others?

Buttons begging for use

So many questions, so little Pi.

While we ponder the possibilities, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments…

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