2001: a Playstation Odyssey

Communist Building

I know what you’re all thinking…

Why have the UCHG put up a picture of a communist government building?

Well look again…


That’s right, it is actually a Playstation 2!

This monolithic beast of a console allows us to play one of my favourite games of all time!


But first i have to decide which way up the damn console goes!

Probotector – The Big Talk

Another instalment of the Big Talk – and of our rants on in-game BOSSES.
And, as promised, here it is:

The mighty Probotector.

Known as Contra in the USA, this game is unbelievable – not only for its rock-solid gameplay, brilliant music, the 30-live code etc; but for the bosses.

Oh the bosses. They’re not, uh, bad…they’re…indescribable.

Big pink cave, anyone?

Check the vid – see what you think…


The Xbox has arrived!

The newest console in our collection and possibly the largest and loudest there ever was.

With controllers the size of sega gamegears, the aesthetics of a lump of coal and the very fact it’s made by Microsoft should be enough to scare anyone off ….

But not us!


So there it is!

150 Games!

Alex Kidd – The Big Talk

Here we are again – another episode of The Big Talk – once again about in-game BOSSES. Specifically the shit ones!

This week:

Alex Kidd in Miracle World

That’s right, we went back and played it – all the way to the end! Surely everyone in the world has played this at some point in their lives…and it’s rock solid. The burgers, the motorbike, the giant frogs, the ghosts, the dancing…what a game. But the Bosses are something else…

Are you ready? Let’s all play JACKIN’ IT!